Friday, August 8, 2008

Introduction...such as it is

It is a cloudy cool day today. Appropriate, I guess, for my mood which is a bit introspective. Looking out across my little valley the colors appear muted by the light mist, the air is damp and chill...too chill for August in this area. Even the birds are a bit more subdued than normal, their usual cacaphony has quieted to an occasional chirp and whistle from the meadow. All except the hummers. They buzz by me, twittering, swooping and diving to pause in midair, wings a blur of motion, and look at me as if they are trying to tell me that it is time to refill their feeders.

What am I doing here? Not here, on my deck looking out at the valley, but here in cyberspace, trying to put words on a screen to be sent into the ether where they may or may not be intercepted by some bored or lonely soul stumbling around the internet.

I feel the need to communicate in a safe, anonymous way, my thoughts and feelings. The anonymity of this place makes it feel safe in a way that communication in the physical world is not. (More on anonymity later.) I hope to use this space as a journal of sorts, a place to record my thoughts on the occurances and lessons of my day to day life. I have never been any good at journaling, for what ever reason I will start with good intentions but then after 2 or 3 entries I will put it aside and not pick it up again. I hope to do better here. Maybe the possibility of an audience will keep me coming back more regularly to post. Or maybe not.